Occupation Profiles (listed by NOC)
Learn about the economic outlook for your occupation in Canada. Our Occupation Profiles will also tell you where in Canada your profession is most in demand.
Find out about the employment prospects in Canada for your occupation...
The following occupations are currently on the list of
29 qualifying occupations for the
Federal Skilled Worker category. Here you will find information about employment prospects in Canada for each of the 29 qualifying occupations.
NOTE: Between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012, a maximum of 10,000 Federal Skilled Worker (FSW) applications will be considered for processing. Within this 10,000 limit,
a maximum of 500 FSW applications per occupation will be considered for processing. The limit does not apply to those applications with a job offer from a Canadian employer.
To view current numbers of applications received towards the 500 maximum limit for each occupation, click here.
Although the following occupations are
not on the list of 29 qualifying occupations for the Federal Skilled Worker Category, there are still widespread opportunities for workers in these other professions. Click on each to discover what the employment prospects are for these occupations in Canada.