See also  Significant benefits - Canada Visa IN
Campus employment – Canada Visa IN
Canada immigration campus employment

Canada Immigration Campus Employment

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Full time students registered in a degree granting course are allowed to work on the campus of the institution at which they are registered without the need for an employment authorization. "On campus" is defined as employment in facilities within the boundaries of the campus. The students are only allowed to work on the campus of the educational institution at which they are registered. If an institution has more than one campus, the student can work at different locations on that campus provided it is within the same municipality. If an institution has campuses in different cities, the student is restricted to the institution's campus where he/she is registered.


This employment authorization exemption applies to students engaged in full time studies at university, community college, publicly funded trade/technical school or private institution authorized by provincial statute to confer degrees. Students registered in part time courses do not qualify. This exemption applies to students working at any number of jobs on campus, as well as students working as graduate, research or teaching assistants at facilities off campus in research related to their grant. These facilities could include teaching hospitals, clinics, research institutes, etc., which have a formal association or affiliation with the learning institution.


The employer can be the institution, faculty, student organization, private business, or private contractor providing services to the institution on the campus. Some universities located in city centres have campus grounds widely dispersed among general populated areas. This definition includes such employers whose businesses serve the general consuming public, insofar as the place of business is technically located on the university campus.

See also  Cities - Canada Visa IN


See also  Visa Para Viajar A Canada

To be eligible for employment on campus the student must:

  • be in possession of a valid and subsisting student authorization;

  • be registered in a degree/diploma granting course of study at an approved institution;

  • be registered at the educational institution as a full time student;

  • work on campus at the institution to which he/she is registered, whether for the institution itself or for a private business located on campus.

In addition, students working as graduate assistants, teaching assistants or research assistants will be considered to be within the scope of "on campus" employment provided:

  • the student has been recommended by officials of his/her department;

  • the work to be performed is directed by a department head or a faculty member; and

  • the work takes place in a research institute or program in an affiliated hospital or research unit.

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