Employment issues in a Canadian startup company health insurance, employment insurance, canada pension plan, anti discrimination laws, termination of employment relationship, reasonable notice, availability of similar employment, economic consideration, employee protection, non compete agreements, work for hire,assignment of rights agreements
Employment issues in a Canadian startup company health insurance, employment insurance, canada pension plan, anti discrimination laws, termination of employment relationship, reasonable notice, availability of similar employment, economic consideration, employee protection, non compete agreements, work for hire,assignment of rights agreements
Exit strategies for a Canadian startup company initial public offering (IPO), improved access to capital, enchased corporate image, incentives to management and employees, improved liquidity and exit strategies, loss of confidentiality, increased expenses, liability exposure, dilution of ownership, loss of control, logistics of IPO, sale merger, bankruptcy
Financing a Canadian startup company bank loan process, bank loan application, bank credit evaluation, bank loan approval, bank credit approval, ability to repay loan, borrower credit history, equity, collateral, personal financial information, business financial information, bank loan documentation, loan agreement, note, mortgage, security agreement, personal property security act (PPSA), building relationship with banker, borrow early.